Comparing domain- and facet-level relations of the HEXACO personality model with workplace deviance: A meta-analysis


Personality research suggests that the prediction of organizational behavior can be improved by examining the criterion-related validity of narrow personality facets. In the current study, we provide meta-analytic effect size estimates (k = 29) for the relations of all HEXACO domains and facets with workplace deviance and re-analyze available data (k = 9) to compare the criterion-related validity of the HEXACO domains with that of their constituent facets. Findings provided evidence for a masking effect among the facets of Honesty-Humility and a cancellation effect among the facets of Openness to Experience. Furthermore, facets generally outperformed domains in predicting workplace deviance. This was most notable for the Fairness facet, which explained almost as much variance in workplace deviance as all six HEXACO domains combined. These results suggest that using a few HEXACO facets to predict workplace deviance can be more efficient than using all six broad domains. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd

Personality and Individual Differences
